Weel 10
Acupuncture as effective energy medicine...
Of course it is an energy medicine. It is working with the energy on, in or around the body to help keep it running as optimally as possible. The body is operating on electric impulses that are constantly circulating throughout the body, so why wouldn't a metal needle not cause a reaction this intricate system.
Kirlian Photography..
Its is actually very amazing. To be able to show in proof that everything has a life force is very amazing. it just goes to help show that everything has its own living energy source running through it and that may just be the basis for which all life on earth is interconnected, through the energy.
Human intent as it affects health...
Intent has so much to do with health and healing. The power of the mind is still beyond our capability of understand, but its does hold the power of intent. Not just health, but also in the visualizations athletes use pre-game, to the power of having our own confidence. Visualize positivity, get positivity, and the opposite applies also. I can't explain it all, but I do believe that the correct mindset is needed in any circumstance, especially in healing oneself.
Of course it is an energy medicine. It is working with the energy on, in or around the body to help keep it running as optimally as possible. The body is operating on electric impulses that are constantly circulating throughout the body, so why wouldn't a metal needle not cause a reaction this intricate system.
Kirlian Photography..
Its is actually very amazing. To be able to show in proof that everything has a life force is very amazing. it just goes to help show that everything has its own living energy source running through it and that may just be the basis for which all life on earth is interconnected, through the energy.
Human intent as it affects health...
Intent has so much to do with health and healing. The power of the mind is still beyond our capability of understand, but its does hold the power of intent. Not just health, but also in the visualizations athletes use pre-game, to the power of having our own confidence. Visualize positivity, get positivity, and the opposite applies also. I can't explain it all, but I do believe that the correct mindset is needed in any circumstance, especially in healing oneself.
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