Week 7

Newtons three laws and me...  Well, I could put those into motorcycle terms again...  When I am in motion n the motorcycle, it will want to stay in motion, but the frictional force of the tires on the ground, as well as the mass of the motorcycle and myself pushing through the atmosphere will want to slow me down until I reach a complete stop.  I experience that almost every single day and have for a long, long time. Second law, the acceleration of mass, myself and the motorcycle propelled forward in acceleration by the power produced by the engine.  Simply the acceleration of mass.  third law:  When I begin to accelerate from a complete stop, it is the rear tire of my motorcycle pushing against the ground to push me forward, but how do I know that maybe just a small part of me going forward, is my motorcycle pushing the Earth backwards.  Is that a measurable force upon the Earth's rotation as well as orbit?

Our "energy efficient" culture:  Are we an energy efficient culture? 

Descartes has a lot to answer for:


  1. So, I’m sure you’ve ridden Hwy 1 along the coast into Stinson. And there are a lot of spots where you just have to lean and get heavier on the throttle. All physics aside, I wonder why that feeling of accelerating through the apex of a turn is so blissful. What is it about the increase in g-forces that makes us love a road like that? I guess I’m trying to figure out how that feeling of joy serves us from a biological perspective.


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