
Showing posts from July, 2018

Week 9

My E-Prime day....  I can understand the need and use for this type of vocabulary, and it is not always needed. but situation specific it could be very handy.  Possibly in the workplace or any other professional atmosphere, one may want to be less direct and non offensive. Synthesizing physics...

Week 8

My (a)symmetrical world...  For the things that I do and the work that I put into my projects, I really like symmetry.  Maybe the CP violation really means that there are other alternate universes all around us, and just need to know how to get to them.  Or actually maybe its just the other antiparticle universe that we have discovered.  Maybe all we need now is just a way to make this happen on much larger scale, then maybe we will have the portal travelling and such.  But, I had a hard time keeping up to speed on the CP violation, but it seems like it can take a particle, briefly change it into its exact polar opposite in every which manner, then change it back again. Connections between sacred geometry and physics...  It has been shown physicists have studied the sacred geometry for its higher dimensional mathematics.  Albert Einstein and others study to try and figure out the deep meanings of the 64 hexagrams from the 8 trigrams.  The studies have crossed over the two genres be

Week 7

Newtons three laws and me...  Well, I could put those into motorcycle terms again...  When I am in motion n the motorcycle, it will want to stay in motion, but the frictional force of the tires on the ground, as well as the mass of the motorcycle and myself pushing through the atmosphere will want to slow me down until I reach a complete stop.  I experience that almost every single day and have for a long, long time. Second law, the acceleration of mass, myself and the motorcycle propelled forward in acceleration by the power produced by the engine.  Simply the acceleration of mass.  third law:  When I begin to accelerate from a complete stop, it is the rear tire of my motorcycle pushing against the ground to push me forward, but how do I know that maybe just a small part of me going forward, is my motorcycle pushing the Earth backwards.  Is that a measurable force upon the Earth's rotation as well as orbit? Our "energy efficient" culture:  Are we an energy efficient cu

Week 6

Are all vibrations good?  It would be easy to say, no, not all vibrations are good, but that would be an opinion from only my point of view.  To answer this question, I cant only see this from my point of view.  Just because I don't like it does not mean it is a bad vibration, it just may be a vibration that I don't like.  But at the same time, it may be music to someone else's ears.  Or even as large as an earthquake.  Just because I think it may be a bad thing for our piece of the world and society, it may be an absolute necessary thing that has to happen for the greater good, for the greater bay area, or California, or the United States, or maybe that earthquake is allowing for a better balance somewhere else in the world.  So basically, all vibrations are good. Resonance in my world...  what resonates in my world?  Is that the question?  I guess resonance in my world is seeing and knowing that human decency still exits.  that there are others that will help and do k

Week 5

Ordered Chaos does sound familiar, without it, the world would not be where it is today.  Ordered chaos is the push for evolution and adaptation.  Nature would not have evolved nor would it have matured without ordered chaos.  If everything stayed the same and predictable, everything would still be just that, the same and predictable.  But because the chaos comes around from time to time, animals, insects, people and every living thing must act accordingly to survive, otherwise the chaos will eventually destroy them. Fractals as complex systems...  Just merely breaking down that statement in a literal sense it only seems true.  Fractals, a fraction of larger piece or a fraction of a larger complete system.  So if a complete system can be complex, the fractal part of it can only hold the same complexity.  If not only more complex because of the lack of ability to see the whole system.  that, or I just missed the big picture. Consciousness out of chaos...  I think of this similar to